Reviews 3
Rose Hill Puppies’ Reviews & Testimonials – page 3
Happy New Year! Just wanted to send you an update on Bailey/Angelica!(mini F1 from Angie/Dorito). She is the best dog ever! Don’t know what I would do without her! She loves to play and cuddle! She is 20 lbs. at 7 month old.
Thanks for my girl!
Hey Owen! 12/14/21
Just wanted to give you an update on Summer (Amarylla) from Angie/Dorito’s 5/22/21 litter. She is absolutely the best dog ever! She is very chill and loves to cuddle. She also loves going to the beach and swimming in the ocean. I’m obsessed with her.
Hi Owen,
This is our darling Cooper(from Jessa/Dorito). He will be a year old one week from today. He weighs 22 pounds. We couldn’t be happier with him. He loves to cuddle and enjoys walks and playing with other dogs. He is very social always wanting to meet new people. Thank you so much for our very special companion. Blessings to you and a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
Hi Owen! 10/23/21
Hope this email finds you doing well! I meant to be in touch so many times in the last ten months and just dropped the ball. In case you don’t remember, Alfie (now Miles) from Angie/Dorito mini F1) was part of a litter born 10/16/2020 and we brought him home to Chicago in December. His recent birthday celebration inspired me to finally reach out and share some pictures . We are just in love with him! He is friendly and outgoing to both people and other dogs, he is so gentle with our kids, he is energetic, curious, bouncy, cuddly, smart, and seems so happy most of the time (he does seem to get a bit down if one of us leaves to run an errand). He loves walks, playing ball in the park, chewing (mostly his toys but sometimes there are moments of confusion), back and belly
rubs, and any unattended food that he can reach . He is 40 lb. At 1 year old.
Anyway, I’m sure you’re busy with new families and new litters, but just wanted to share a bit about our favorite pup! Thank you so much for working with us!
—Best, Carmyn
Josie (Darlene from Daisy/Nacho) is doing great and enjoying the Spring temps! She is healthy and so happy and has learned how to catch a frisbee in mid air. She weighs about 24 lbs at 2 yr. old and loves going to the local groomer right in our neighborhood for a spa day.
Hey Owen!
Here are some pictures of Kayla and Dorito’s little guy. This is Ivan and he is the BEST! He was potty trained in a week, ringing a bell when he needs to go outside. He learned all of his basic commands: sit, leave it, down, shake and go to bed, all within the first 3 weeks. He has the BEST personality and is phenomenal with little kids and other dogs. He has stolen all of our hearts! He is standing by the iconic Mackinaw Bridge. He is almost 4 months old and currently weighs about 18 pounds.
Hi Owen,
Leo (from Megan/Pretzel) is doing great he is super friendly and happy puppy! He LOVES to play and very smart. He doesn’t shed at all, we would love him all the same even if he did! He likes to go on long walks and on the weekends comes running with me.
–Regards, Anita T.

PIPER (Tiffany from Tulip/Pretzel) IS PURE DELIGHT!!! What a gooood pup 👍😊. She is sleeping through the night, learning to sit and recognize her name. House training is going very well too. She is really smart! So far she has met 6 of the 8 grand-kids. their parents and a few of our neighbors…everyone is a friend 😍 We couldn’t be happier with our new four-legged family member! Piper went to vet yesterday and got a 👍
Doc said she is a fine looking and VERY healthy puppy
She weighs a whopping 3.95 lbs at 8 weeks old.
We have 8 grandkids and their parents staying at our house and it hasn’t fazed Piper a bit! She runs after the kiddos outside and then once back inside snuggles up next to them for a nap. And she’s only been here for a few days! Good puppy!
God’s blessing of love and peace to you,
Maggie (jingle from Jessa/Pretzel) has grown into her perfect size (weight about 23 pound now at 6 month old). She’s healthy and really active. We are thinking about adopting another one to keep Maggie company 🙂
Best, Cee
We became the proud parents of Jasper (Louie now) on January 18th 2019. Louie’s mom is Jessa and his dad is Pretzel. We can’t love him enough. He has brought so much joy to our family. He is 5 ½ months and weighs 14 ½ pounds. We bell trained him and he picked up on that very fast. He rarely has an accident in the house and if he does it is usually because we (the adults) didn’t hear the bell. Louie can sit, stay, lay down, high five, shake, and roll over. That is just the few commands he knows. He loves being outside and loves exploring the woods. I highly recommend a golden doodle from Owen. Owen was very nice and so easy to work with.
The Vaughan Family
Hi Owen,
Mikey (we call him Leo) (from Megan/Pretzel)is very well, growing fast and learns quite quickly. He is almost house-trained, he goes to the door when he needs to go outside.
He is growing fast, around 15 lbs now at 3 mo. He is very smart and playful!
–Anita T.
Hi Owen!
Charlie, from Sheila and Nacho’s January 2017 litter, is doing great! He is just over 30 pounds (at 2 yr. old), comes up to our knees, and is a little over two feet long. Charlie was so easy to train! He knows all the basics, plus how to jump through a hula hoop and “dance.” He is a character and remains my morning running buddy. Thanks for such a great dog and know that we love him TONS!
Hi, this is Ginger (formally Sweetie) from Sheila’s litter. She is 7 months old and weighs in at 18 lbs. she does not shed at all and is super healthy. She loves everyone, especially children!

Hi Owen,
Say hello to Bella, formerly Goldie from Glory and Nacho. Bella is now a 1-year old ball of fluff and energy. She doesn’t really shed at all and weighs 21 lbs. She is such a good girl and very sweet – ready with a hello to everyone she passes by on her daily walks. She recently completed her puppy and obedience classes and did very well with her potty training. Going to the park is her jam. She loves being outside and recently experienced her very first snow which became her new favorite. Other favorites include zooming, all of her toys, sticks, and especially her treats. Sometimes she tries to sneak off with her old favorites which happen to be shoes…we are working on it. Bella has been such a fun puppy.
– Elvia C.

Hi Owen,

Ryker AKA “Solly” (from Sheila/Nacho) is doing wonderful. He graduated from his first round of obedient school and he is on to intermediate classes soon. He does not shed at all which is amazing! We are also very happy with his size as he stayed under 30 pounds so far.(at 7 month) He is VERY playful and thinks all of the kitties we have are his friends 🙂 He is super lovable but very hard headed when he wants something. He is bell trained like a champ. He was struggling with potty training a while back and we read about bell training doodles in particular and after literally a day he was trained. It has been great! We have bells on the front door and back door and he rings them when he has to go potty (or wants to go out to chase the kitties!) He LOVES our two little girls and I have attached a picture of him anxiously waiting for his little human to come out of school.
-Heather S.
We named our little girl Ruby (from Sheila/Nacho) and she weighs 23 pounds at 2 yrs old. She’s a great dog!
– Sharon R.

Hi Owen!!
Sassy (From Sheila/Nacho) is wonderful. Her name is Josey now. She is about 17 lbs at 7 months. She has a wonderful personality and has been potty trained for a few months now. She has been very easy to train for the most part. She loves walks and playing fetch. She is also very patient with our girls who are 6 and 3. She is also very quiet. No barking unless we are playing:) She really is the perfect dog for us 🙂
— Maxie

Lacey (now Sunbeam) is from Sheila/Nacho, she weighs 19 lbs at 5 month old. She is such a joy to us all!

Jasper (from Jessa/Nacho) is doing great. He is very active and fun. He’s awesome, we love him! He weighs around 20 pounds. born 9/2016.
— Nikki

Hi Owen!
Today is Lucy’s 1st birthday! (from Glory/Nacho) we can’t believe how much joy and laughter she’s brought to our lives! She’s grown so much and she weighed in today at 26lbs (she’s holding a little extra winter fluff). We hope her siblings are doing just as well! Have a great day!
— Cassidy
Dudley was in the St Patrick’s Day Parade 😂. Thought you would love to see him. He is 10 months old from Nacho and Kristi on 5/12/2018. He is 24 pounds. A little spoiled 😂. Keep in touch Owen. Many blessings to you!! Glad I was able to meet you.
— Kathy B.

Hi Owen,
We wanted to send an update of Ruby (Angela) of Angie and Nacho. She is the sweetest dog ever. She has the perfect amount of playfulness and laziness 😊. She always wants to be around people and gets along great with kids and other dogs. She was potty trained in just 1 month and is 24 lbs now at 1 yr old. We’re so grateful to have her!

Hi Owen,
I’ve been meaning to send you an update our Teddy (Arthur) that we adopted last April from Angie and Nacho’s litter.
Teddy is has been such a blessing. Quite mischievous as a puppy but after his first birthday he started to mellow a little. He loves all people and other dogs, belly rubs and snuggling. He crate trained and potty trained very well. He has maintained 29lbs since about 8 months old. Perfect size!
We couldn’t be happier to have him!
Thanks again,
-Elise R.
Hi Owen,
Loubie (Mini F1 from Trixie/Chip litter) is doing so well. He is healthy, energetic and just a fun dog. He loves the water, and playing with children. He weighs 30 pounds at 7 months (this Thursday.)
He is highly intelligent and a fast learner, he knows all commands and we are currently working on off leash training.
Loubie loves to hang out with his big German Shepherd cousin, Roland.
He brings such joy to our family! We love him so much!
Hi Owen,
Josie (mini F1 from Trixie/Chip litter) is doing great! She weighs 20 pounds at 6 month. She is active, teething and full of energy. She is attending intermediate puppy class. Attached is a photo of her graduation day from beginners puppy class. She is a fast learner and smart girl. She has been a great addition to our family and makes us smile every day. Josie has some sass. I think she is teaching us that it’s okay to be sassy sometimes. We love her very much!
Maggie (mini F1 from Gem/Chip) is doing great! She is a healthy,
fun, lovable dog! Such a great addition to our family! She is 25.6 lbs at 6 months old.
Hi Owen:
We have renamed Trick- Schnitzel.(mini F1 from Trixie/Chip) I think he is about 28 pounds now at 6 month. Doing well. Kids are loving him.
Boomer is doing great. (mini F1 from Gem/Chip) He is a sweet, smart puppy. We all adore him. Here is a pic I took today. He weighs 23 lb. at 6 month, the vet said he should get to about 32 lb.
Avery is a very good girl. (mini F1 from Gem/Chip) House trained, adult teeth are in and she’s not as bitey. Quiet, laid back. Very smart. Very affectionate. Here are some pics. The one with her sitting up is from like a week ago, soon after her first haircut. She is around 20 lb. at 6 month old.
Hi Owen!
Brittany (F1 mini from Gem/Chip) is doing great! She’s loving the cooler weather. She’s about 22lbs now at 6 month old, so sweet and full of energy.
Hi Owen!
This is Charlie, an F1B Mini Goldendoodle from Violet/Chip’s litter. He weighs 30.5lbs at 6 months old.